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Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance?

Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance?

Doctors, ministers, lawyers and other professionals buy personal liability plans to protect themselves against malpractice lawsuits and other financial claims. Generally, these are called professional liability insurance policies, but they still are intended to protect the assets of the person. In reality, many people could probably benefit from such a plan. Whether you need personal liability insurance depends on you income, assets, and lifestyle.

Anyone who has accumulated substantial assets should have a personal liability policy.

Some people look for opportunities to make some quick money off of people whom they perceive as having plenty of money. Personal injuries, injurious words, and other potential pitfalls make a ready chance for a lawsuit that can yield a large settlement. These people figure that a rich person would rather cough up a few bucks than have their name dragged through a court battle. Unfortunately, they are almost always right.

Professionals with high income jobs can easily create waves in the course of doing business.

If someone feels wronged or cheated, they will begin to have dollar signs for eyeballs. Even if the offending party does not have huge cash reserves, they have a large income stream that can be tapped over time to pay off large settlements. It is a form of legal blackmail, but it is often successful and profitable for the plaintiff.

Folks who live extravagant lifestyles are usually highly visible.

These individuals make easy targets for predators looking for victims. They can be set up to look like the cause of personal suffering for those seeking cash. Once again, the potential for a costly payoff is a real and potent threat. One problem with the extravagant lifestyle is that it does not always follow that the person living the lifestyle has a large sum of money available to pay off lawsuits. He or she may be living off the money of others or simply living far above personal income.

The only way to protect yourself from such attacks is to carry personal or professional liability insurance.

These policies can negotiate payments to those bringing suits against the insured party. The insurance company can also weigh in with powerful legal help to thwart the efforts of the people who attempt to victimize you. Even if the suit is legitimate, having this insurance is the only sure way to protect your assets. The insurance company will absorb the loss instead of you.

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